Product Description
Spin aeration in the formofmultilayerspiral cutting oxygenaeration,when the airinto the air, airfirst through two spiral cutting systemafter cutting
into the lowerlayer zigzag cloth head,multilayer cutting,make the bubble cutintomicro bubbles,which greatly improve the utilization rate of oxygen,
with uniformcloth,the characteristics of high oxygen efficiency.
Scope of application is SCOPE OF APPLICATION
01 is applicable to all kinds of industrial wastewater and urban domestic sewage activated sludge process biochemical treatment;
02 The aeration device and the preaeration of the regulating tank for the biological contact oxidation method of sewage treatment
Product Feature
Small running resistance, low energy consumption Small running resistance and low energy consumption
Engineering plastic material, long service life of Engineering plastic material, long service life
Wide range of adaptation Wide adaptability
Long-termoperational efficiency isstable and Stable long-term operation efficiency
The intake requirements are low, and it can be directly supplied throught Low air intake requirements, directsupply without filtration
Product Parameters